Tuesday, May 15, 2012

When's it gonna be?

So we are down to the last few weeks of this pregnancy and Baby Mrdutt can now officially come anytime! We are now onto weekly doctor's visits until he arrives and I figured I would give you an update on the last couple of appointments.

Last Wednesday was my 36/37 week appointment. We did the standard stuff like measurements and taking the heartbeat. I was measuring exactly on again at 36ish cm with a strong little heartbeat at about 127 bpm. We did have to test for a Strep B infection which I am negative for. My doctor did examine me since my Braxton Hicks contractions had really kicked up a few days prior. I was 1 cm dilated, 30% effaced and baby was at -3 station. Might not be much but it's something!

On Saturday my sister Jen and I took the day and went to Woodbury, MN to experience their annual garage sales. I definitely have to recommend this to any person interested in garage sales. We came home with the Jetta packed full! It was nice to get some things that we planned on getting but buying new just didn't seem worth it. Also we really got a good wardrobe started for the first Baby Girl Mrdutt that is due this fall. Anyways, with all the walking and in and out of the car, I was having some good contractions all day. Nothing really painful but significant enough where I noticed each and every one. Later that night Ben and I went further west to visit my friend Ashley who just graduated vet school (Congrats Ashley!) On the way back home that night, contractions were pretty regular at about 10 minute intervals, lasting about 30 seconds. Again, not super painful but very noticeable. Ben and I got the car ready just in case and then hit the hay to get some sleep in case things did progress to true labor. Well, guess what? Nothing. Everything stopped after I laid down. On Sunday I was exhausted, since I couldn't sleep much due to excitement so I spent most of the day catching up on some sleep. That brings us to Monday. After working that day I had a pretty low key evening finishing up some laundry. Again contractions started, were pretty irregular but lasting up to 50 seconds and we went to bed waiting to see if they progressed. Well, again, guess what? Nothing. So that brings us to today and our latest doctor's appointment.

Today was my 37/38 week appointment. Again we measured and took the heartbeat (141 bpm). I did ask my doctor about how big he thinks this baby is and is response was "He is right on schedule". In other words, he isn't overly concerned that he is going to be a big baby. I did get examined again since I was curious if anything has changed considering all the action of the last few days. Well, I'm still at 1 cm, up to about 50% effaced and baby descended a little bit to -2 station. Our doctor did get to feel the little guys head since he has dropped more. My doctor's other quote of the day, "At 37 weeks, you are full term and we are looking for reasons why you shouldn't be pregnant anymore. With you, we just don't have any." So Baby Mrdutt is tucked in and comfortable, with only him and God knowing his birthday. It's hard being patient since we are so excited to meet him but since I am still actually really comfortable, we are sitting tight and enjoying the last few days/weeks baby free. We will keep you all updated with any new info as we know it.

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