Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Announcing..... the flood

Katie and I are very proud to announce that at 3:00 pm on January 20th, 2016 .........
Her water broke and contraction intensity magnified.   We have since got an epidural placed after waiting to be formally admitted and blood work ran.  Katie is now resting as her body continues to push baby further south.  More updates as time permits. 


P.S. Lower your expectations with the quality and detail in my reports until Katie takes over with our announcement.    


  1. Ben You think your funny with that first sentence don't you. Smart aleck.

  2. BTW my brother Dan's birthday is today. Good to day to have a baby.

  3. So who's up for some Face Timing? �� We won't make the trek to meet our baby nephew or niece until Friday, so I can settle for a FaceTime meet and greet. 1:00 am is fine too. ��

    1. Those weird icons are super appropriate emojis by the way
