Wednesday, January 20, 2016

So far, so good

Things are still moving along- I had a progress check around 1pm and I am about 3.5 cm with 75% or so. Contractions are coming regularly and more intensely and starting to make me question how fast I should push the epidural conversation.

I mentioned I plan on having one and want to have everything in place so when I want it I get it :). That was said around 1pm. The nurse was going to get stuff for an IV so at least that part was done and ready. Needless to say, I don't have an IV put in yet. I also have yet to see the doctor but I know there was a repeat C-section going on right as we were being put into our rooms and getting set up. 


As I was writing this the nurse came back in to check on things. Plans are to keep doing what we are doing and they will do another progress check after 3pm. They want to know that progression is being made before the epidural is put in. With how these contractions are feeling, I'm not going anywhere without a baby! Contractions are about 3 minutes apart, lasting about 1 minute each and are pretty painful. 

Will keep updates coming but I think Ben may be taking over soon!


  1. Numbers are looking good, progressing nicely...don't let them talk you out of that epidural if you want one. ;) Looking forward to Ben's commentary - although I'm sure you won't find it nearly as entertaining. :) I can't believe we didn't do a formal poll yet for B or G!

  2. I'm doing a last minute change up and voting girl.
